This is the same place where in the year 1858, Lord Canning read out the declaration of Queen Victoria's Proclamation. This famous proclamation resulted in the complete transfer of power from the hands of The East India Company to the government of Britain. The step was taken in the wake of 1857 Sepoy Mutiny. One of the reasons behind this mutiny was the blatant corruption that prevailed in the ranks of The East India Company. The decision resulted in converting the status of India from an 'Economic Interest Zone' into a 'Colony'.
52 years after the incidence, in 1910, Lord Minto laid a foundation stone for the park. The Governor General laid this park in order to commemorate the transfer of power. This lush-green Park has a white memorial stone that is mounted by four ferocious looking lions. This memorial stone has edicts confirming it as the site where the historic proclamation was read. The park has now been christened Madan Mohan Malaviya Park.