The place is relatively new in the chronicles of History. Ghaziabad was founded in the year 1740 by emperor Ghazi-ud-din. He is supposed to have built an architectural marvel for himself. It was a spacious palace that consisted of 120 rooms of masonry with pointed arches. Only the gate, a few portions of the boundary wall and a massive pillar about fourteen feet in height remain now. Ghaziabad has appeared prominently during the mutiny of 1857. River Hindon that flows through Ghaziabad was the site for the battle between Mutineers and British Forces in which, the former were crushed convincingly.
Ghaziabad is primarily an industrial city with manufacturers in railway coaches, diesel engines, electroplating, bicycles, picture tubes, tapestries, glassware, pottery, vegetable oil, paint and varnish, heavy chains, automobile pistons & rings, steel pharmaceuticals, liquor, etc. It is one of the most industrialized cities in Uttar Pradesh.