The park became famous during the Indian Freedom Struggle. This was the same place where the famous encounter between the British police and Indian revolutionary took place. Chandra Shekhar Azad had taken the vow that come what may, he will never let himself in to the hands of imperial police. Therefore he took the pseudonym 'Azad' that means 'Free' in Hindi.
It happened so that Azad got cornered in the Alfred Park while he was escaping out after an act. A full unit of the then Allahabad Police cordoned the park and cut the escape route. An hour-long exchange of fire followed but when Azad found that he has only one bullet left in his pistol, he preferred to shoot himself than breaking his vow. After independence this park was renamed as Chandra Shekhar Azad Park and a bust statue of Azad has been erected where he died.