If you want to know who built the Taj Mahal
of Agra, read on to know about the founder and builder of Taj Mahal.

undying symbol of true love in white marble known as the Taj Mahal
stands proudly in Agra. Known as an "elegy in marble", the Taj
Mahal is one of the wonders of the world. It was built over a period of
22 years and involved the joint efforts of 20000 craftsmen who toiled
day and night to make this grand structure. The total cost is estimated
to come to a whopping 32 million rupees. The question that everyone asks
is who built the Taj Mahal? Who took the pains of waiting for 22 years
and invested so much money in the construction of one of the most
beautiful monuments in the world? Who is the builder of Taj Mahal?
The fifth Mughal emperor popularly known as Shah Jahan is the one who
is credited with constructing the Taj Mahal. Shah Jahan seized the
throne from his father in the year 1622 and began to rule extend his
empire. He married a Persian princess by the name of Arjunmand Bano, who
later came to be known as Mumtaz Mahal.
She was the second wife of Shah Jahan and was a devoted wife to her
husband. When she died after 18 years of marriage, he was devastated.
Thus he built the beautiful Taj Mahal in the memory of his beloved wife.
It is the undying love that till today makes the Taj Mahal look