Get to know about STD codes of Uttar Pradesh. UP STD Codes will tell you about STD codes of the cities of Utter Pradesh.

The telecommunication system is primarily based upon the 'Fragment Calling System' that is predominantly used in the member nations of European Union. This system works in fragment i.e. each location is prescribed a certain code that is popularly called STD code. This code is clubbed with the ISD code of that particular country which in turn is clubbed with the phone number one wants to call. For example if you want to call a number say 26xxxxx in the city of Noida in Uttar Pradesh, from London then you would first dial +91 i.e. the ISD code of India followed by 120, the STD code of Noida and then 26xxxxx. Here is the list of STD codes of the cities in Utter Pradesh: -