traveling to any country, you need to have some basic travel documents
for identification and permission to enter the country. These important
documents for traveling in India are equally necessary. These Indian
travel documents ensures that you have a comfortable stay and not be
hassled unnecessarily by officials. Do not forget to do last check and
see if you have taken travel documents for India. It is best to keep
emergency copies of these documents with yourself and your friends back
home. If you happen to lose any document, a copy can be of help to issue
a duplicate one.
Your passport is the most important document for your travel across the
continent. Your passport has to be a valid one. If expired, renew it as
soon as possible. If you don't have a passport, get one made, as
otherwise traveling from one country to another is not possible.
Visa (Indian Visa)
A person visiting India has to have a visa. It is like an entry card to
the place you are visiting. Persons found without a visa are not
permitted to enter India and are detained and sent back. For more visa
realated queries & information you can visit the local Indian
embassy in your Country.
Identity Card
You may be asked to prove your identity at the airport. Though it does
not take place, in case the security is stringent, you need to prove
your identity to the officials. Thus, having a photo identity card with
you always helps.