is the land of religions. The Indian religions are so diverse and so
widespread, that it is difficult to club India under one religion. There
are many religions in India that co-exist peacefully and in harmony. The
religious festivals are celebrated by all, as Indians, irrespective of
caste and religion. On one hand you will find Muslims celebrating Diwali
and on the other, Hindus enjoying Id. Read on further to know the
diverse religious conviction of India and the major religions.
It is believed that Hinduism was the oldest religion to come into
existence in India. Almost 80% of the population follows the Hindu
religion in India.
The second most dominant religion after Hinduism is Islam. In India,
almost 14% of the population follows the Islam religion.
Christianity is the third most dominant religion in India with almost
4% of the population consisting of Christians.
About 2% of the total population of India comprises of people who
follow the Sikh religion also known as Sikhism.
Other Religions
Rest of India consists of Buddhists, Jains, Parsis, Zoroastrians and
Jews. These religious groups are less than 2%.