is a vast country. A gigantic grid of roads connects most cities and
towns. The Indian traffic rules go a long way to ensure traffic safety
in India. The Indian roads are forever filled with traffic jams, thanks
to ever increasing demand and supply of cars and other vehicles. Hence,
following the traffic rules in India are necessary for your own security
and well-being. Read on further to know about certain traffic rules of
India follows left hand side driving. So be careful and look both
ways while crossing the road. Do not drive if you cannot adapt to
the left hand side driving.
Honking is a necessary evil in India and almost a habit to the
drivers. So don't get worked up if the driver behind you constantly
honks even if it is a red light!
In case you are involved in an accident, wait till the police
come and file a report. However if someone is injured make sure you
call the ambulance. You can take public assistance, as they are
usually ready to help tourists.
It is best to let an Indian driver take you around the city. They
know how to tackle traffic well and you can relax.
The Indian Government recognizes international driver' license
(IDL) and it is mandatory to produce your license if a cop asks.
However, hiring a car and driving it around the city is quite an
uncommon thing for tourists. It is best to hire a car with a driver.
If your stay in India is for a long time, you should have a
driver's license though it is not necessary that it should be IDL.
It should be of a recognized Government. If your license has
expired, you can apply for a new one. You would be required to give
a written test and a driving test.