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India Travel TipsIndia Travel TipsIndia Travel Tips

This write up on location of India contains information on location and geography of India.

India Location

Location of IndiaYou will find extremes in terms of the geographical location of India. The Indian geography comprises of snow-capped mountains and warm turquoise blue beaches on the same sub continent. The topography of India is very diverse and is home to some of the most astonishing flora and fauna. India has the mighty Himalayas in the north that almost look like a crown of India and they separate India from the rest of Asia. The south has hilly coastal areas known as Western and Eastern Ghats. India is the only country to have an ocean named after it. Quite contrasting to the lush green coastal areas, India has the Thar Desert on the northwest part of the country in the state of Rajasthan. Geographically, India is the seventh largest country in the world. Read on further for more such amazing information.
  • Location of India: Southern Asia
  • Latitude: 8.4o to 37.6o North
  • Longitude: 68.7o to 97.25o East
  • Neighboring Countries: Bhutan, Burma, China, Nepal and Pakistan.
  • Seas/Oceans: Arabian Sea (West), Bay of Bengal (East), Indian Ocean (South)
  • Islands: Lakshadweep Islands in Arabian Sea, Andaman and Nicobar Islands in Bay of Bengal
  • Mountain Ranges: Himalayas in the north. Highest peak is the Kanchenjunga, which measures over 8000 meters.

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