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Communication in India is well developed. Read more about means/modes of communication in India.

Communication in India

Communication in IndiaCommunication in India is at par with the best in the World. You will find state-of-the-art technology in Indian modes of communication. The vast distances of this country have been easily overcome with the help of various means of communication. Read on further to know how to communicate in India and be in touch with the rest of the world.

India has a highly developed network of telephone lines. Almost every road in India has one phone booth, which offers public calls, STD calls and ISD calls. The ISD code of India is 91. In order to make an international call, dial 00 (international access code from India) followed by code of the country you are calling followed by the area code and then local number. Another option is to buy a cellular phone also known as mobile phone or cell phone. You can buy a sim card of the local area, get it activated and be in touch with your family and friends through calls and sms.

India is connected to the world through the Internet also. Almost every urban household has access to high speed Internet. Now-a-days, Internet has also reached rural India and people living at the grassroot level are learning how to communicate and move with the world. You can send and receive emails and surf the net in those many "cyber cafes" that have sprung up at every nook and corner in all cities, which offer Internet services at minimal costs.

Fax services are available all around the country. All telegraph offices in the cities have facilities to receive fax and are open 24 hours a day. Most public telephone booths and stationary shops also have these services. They may cost a bit more than what the Government offers.

All major towns and cities have telegraph offices that provide good service. These telegraph offices are run by the Government and provide good services at affordable price. Most of these offices are open round the clock, ready to help those in need.

Postal Services
The Indian Postal Services are excellent compared to other countries. Letters are delivered to their respective destinations always on time. Registered mail is necessary only if you intend to send valuables. The Indian postal service also offers Airmail services to Europe, Australia and Africa takes almost a week. For America, it takes a little longer than a week say around 10 days. All major towns have Speed Post facilities. Almost all towns have Courier services. If anyone is going to write to you, tell the person to write his/her name and address in big bold capital letters that can be read easily. Letters unclaimed for a month are usually sent back. The addressee's name and other contact details should also be clearly written to avoid any confusion. The postal offices also provide telegram services to those places where facilities like telephone and Internet are not available.

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