The basic outlook of Nepal is Hindu in its nature.
There is a sizable population of the minorities but apart from Buddhism,
none has left its permanent marks on the society. In a way, Nepalese
society is not a heterogeneous society as its neighbors India and
Bangladesh are. The effect of Hinduism is prevalent with a sprinkle of
Buddhism on it.
The basic customs and traditions of Nepal are more or less same as that
of Hindus in India. The most auspicious ceremonies are the 'Birth' and
'Marriage'. The birth of the child is considered very auspicious. Nepal,
being a conservative Hindu society, rejoices the birth of a boy more
than that of a girl. The main ceremony is organized on the sixth day of
birth when the child is named. This is a festive moment where song and
dances are normally accompanied by a huge feast. The second most
important ceremony is the sacred thread ceremony. But this ceremony is
confined to Brahmins and Kashtriyas only. The young boys sit for "Havan"
(A ritual where offering are paid to fire god) chanting religious hymns.
Then a sacred yellow thread is tied around their bodies in a diagonal
fashion. As usual, feast and merry making follow this ceremony.
The marriage, in eastern civilizations, is considered one of the major
duties of human being. In a sense, a Hindu is not considered fully
educated until or unless he gets married. The marriage ceremony in Nepal
is conducted with great pomp and show. The marriage is thought to be a
divine permission for the couple to live together. The main ceremony
takes place at bride's residence and her father does the arrangements.
Dowry is very prevalent and common and is not considered a stigma.
As far as beliefs are concerned, the Nepalese are superstitious and
god-fearing people. They believe in Hindu theology of reincarnation and
thus naturally believe in things like Ghosts, Djinns and other Demigods.
Apart from that, the monarch is considered to be the incarnation of Lord
Vishnu. At least it is believed by a sizable chunk of the rural
population. Nevertheless, the Maoist movement has been largely
successful in eroding that base and altering the thoughts of the common
mass. The current monarchy is severely feeling the heat of these
Tantrism movement from the Mahayana school of Buddhism appeared in the
first century AD in fringe areas of India. Hindus and Buddhists came
into contact with animist religions and integrated beliefs and
practices. Yoga, physical exercises to control body functions, mantras,
repetitive utterances, bijas, magic syllables, use of designs and
objects such as mandala and dorje became the part and parcel of Tantrik
activities. Transformed into Lamaism that penetrated into Nepal too.
Purpose was to shorten the road to enlightenment with such practices.