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Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh
We will provide you information about the climate and weather of Bareilly that also includes temperature and rainfall.

Bareilly Weather

Weather of Bareilly is typical of the cities of Western Uttar Pradesh. The city falls in the Rohilkhand area and thus can be considered as a semi-arid region. The summers are scorching with daytime temperature hovering around 37°C to 45°C. Nights are relatively cooler with minimum temperature falling to 27-28°C. The summers set in the month of April and persist till June end. Venturing out during day without proper protection might lead to heatstroke.

Monsoon sets in June end but brings very little respite to the simmering city. The average annual rainfall is in the range of 400-500 Millimeters that is precisely contributed by the Southwest jet of monsoon. Winters set in the month of November and persists till February. Winters are quite chilly with minimum temperature hovering around 4-5°C. Winters are the best time to visit Bareilly.