This article provides information about the
Phugtal/ Phugthal/ Pugthal Gompa, a monastery in Leh Ladakh, India.

Phugtal Gompa of Ladakh is situated in the Zanskar region, on the
opening of a huge cave. This cave is in the mountain face of a lateral
gorge through which a major tributary of the southern Lungnak River
(Lingti-Tsarap) flows. Said to be the most secluded monastic
establishment of Zanskar, the Phugthal Gompa was founded in the early
12th century. The monastery boasts of a number of chapels inside its
However, one of its chapels is adorned with murals and ceiling
decorations, reflecting a strong Indian artistic and iconographic
influence. Reached through the Padum-Manali trekking route, Pugthal
Monastery of Leh Ladakh also serves as the residence for approximately
40 monks.