This article provides information about the
Alchi Gompa, a monastery in Leh Ladakh, India.

Alchi Gompa of Ladakh is situated at a distance of approximately 67 km
to the west of the town of Leh. Built by Translator, Rinchen Zangpo, it
dates back to the year 1000 AD. Alchi Gompa in Ladakh comprises of a
number of blessed temples, including the main one of Rinchen Lhakhang at
Lotsa Lhakhang. The other temples are the Jamyang Lhakhang (Manjusri
temple) and the Sumtsag Lhakhang. Alchi Monastery of Leh Ladakh reflects
an Indian touch, especially in its paintings.
Infact, Rinchen Zangpo has even mentioned in his biographies that he
brought thirty-two sculptors and wood carvers from Kashmir, for the
purpose of this monastery. The main image inside the Alchi Monastery of
Ladakh is that of Vairocana. Apart from that, the other images include
those of the five Buddha Families, along with their attendant deities.