The 15th century saw the Likkir Monastery of Leh Ladakh flourishing under Lhawang Lodos Sangphu, the disciple of Khasdubje. It was then brought under the Tsongkhapa order and continues to be so till date. Even today, the ritual and observances of the three basic Pratimoksa disciplines, the basic Buddhist teachings, stand preserved here. The Likir Monastery of Ladakh constitutes of a number of sacred shrines, along with a protective deity that stands wearing a golden armor.
An annual event of the monastery is the assembly of votive offerings, known as Dosmochey, which takes place in the 12th Tibetan month from 27th to 29th. The sacred dances are also performed at this time, at the monastery. The succeeding reincarnations of Naris Rinpoche serve as the incumbents of the monastery.