The nearest Airport from Kushinagar is in Gorakhpur district but the access to this airport is limited. Therefore, Varanasi airport acts as the primary airport for Kushinagar. The nearest railhead is Gorakhpur that is well connected to the rest of India as well as Uttar Pradesh.
Kushinagar is the very place where Lord Buddha got Nirvana. This event is known as Maha-Parnirvana in Buddhist and Hindu literature. Therefore, Kushinagar evokes emotion amidst pilgrims. There are sites that are related to Buddha's Nirvana and his cremation. These sites attract scores of visitors every year. The most famous among these are Ramabhar Stupa and Nirvana Temple. These sites have been excavated in past and has bore out many relics related to Lord Buddha.
There are other temples too that have been erected by Buddhist Councils of other member countries. The most famous among these are Japanese, Watt Thai and Chinese Buddhist Temples. These temples are famous for their distinct and splendid architectures. There are some interesting excursions too. Lumbini and Kapilvastu are two of the most famous excursions around Kushinagar. Both these places fall in Nepal. These sites are related to the birth and childhood of Lord Buddha respectively. All these attractions make Kushinagar a place worth visiting. Do come to Kushinagar if you want to experience the divinity in its sublime form.