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In this article we provide you information about the weather, climate and climatic conditions of Jaisalmer in Rajasthan, India.

Jaisalmer Weather

The climate of Jaisalmer is very hot and dry. Jaisalmer weather in the summer season is pretty warm. Lasting from April to October, summers experience an average temperature in the range of the 41.6°C (max) to 25°C (min). At times, the temperature may even rise to 45°C.

The climatic conditions of Jaisalmer, Rajasthan in winters are windy and chilly. The average temperature varies between 23.6°C (max) to 7.9°C (min).Jaisalmer does not receive much of rainfall. The annual average rainfall is approximately 15 cm. Best time to visit Jaisalmer is during the period of October to March.