Architectural wonders dot the city and leave you mesmerized. Ironically, Alwar in Rajasthan, India is the oldest as well the newest kingdom of the Rajputs. It is the oldest because its customs date far back to the kingdoms of Viratnagar, which flourished around 1500 B.C. Also known by the name of Matasya Desh. In this city, the Pandavas (heroes of Mahabharata) spent the last year of their exile of 13 years. It is believed that a member of the Kachh family belonging to Amber founded the city of Amber.
The city is an architectural delight. The numerous forts and palaces with their intricate decorations take away your heart. Apart from that, the tranquil lakes, grand hunting lodges, archeologically importance sites, numerous varieties of birds and animals, etc, make this city a must see on a tour of Rajasthan.