Summer season starts in the month of April and lasts till the end of June. Summer is characterized by high temperature, with occasional blowing of sand dunes. The mean maximum temperature during the month of May and June is 45oC .
Kapurthala receives its monsoon during the last week of June, which lasts till the mid week of September. Monsoon comes as a relief from the scorching heat and decreases the temperature considerably. The average annual rainfall of the district is 779 mm. The average monsoon rainfall in the area is 584 mm. The south-west monsoon contributes 75% of the annual rainfall that the district receives in the monsoon season. July and August receive the heaviest rains. Rest 25% of the rainfall is received during the non-monsoon period, because of western disturbances and thunder storms. The monsoon season is the most dramatic, with dark rain laden clouds scudding across leaden, lightning streaked skies.
Post Monsoon
Rainfall lowers in intensity towards the mid-week of September and then there is the onset of post monsoon season. The season lasts till the beginning of November. The atmosphere is pleasant and the temperature decreases gradually.
In Kapurthala, the temperature drops down considerably from the first week of November. This heralds the beginning of the winter season. A series of western disturbances affect the climate of the city. January and February are the coldest months. Cold waves affect the district, when ground fog, hoar frost and passing western disturbances can cause temperatures to drop considerably. Winter remains till the month of March, when slowly the temperature begins to rise.