Almost every branch of science is exhibited in the Pushpa Gujral Science City, right from physical, applied, natural and social sciences to engineering, technology, agriculture, health sciences, energy industries, human evolution, ecosystem, jurrasic parks, nuclear science, information technology and biotechnology. Some of the main attractions of the park have been listed below:
Dome Theatre
In this theatre, large format films are projected on 23 meter-titled dome. The system uses 15 perforations and 70 mm film to shoot and project images with incredible sharpness. Semi-circular giant dome screens produce huge images that soar and swoop above, beside and behind you, to give you a spectacular, immersible experience.
3D Theatre
The Light-Speed 3D Digital Theatre is a modern method of capturing the imagination of today's media science-city visitors. It presents three dimensional computer graphics, videos and the most advances animations.
Amazing Living Machine Gallery
It presents the intricate structures and functions of the human body, using large human models. This gallery mainly consists of three important sections: Health Gallery, HIV AIDS Gallery and Biotechnology Gallery. Main attractions of the gallery are Transparent man theatre, Giant walk through heart, Countdown to birth, Interactive giant model of human cell, chromosomes, DNA model, Measure your pulse rate, Movement of your joints, Operation theatre, CT Scan, Breathe in and Breathe out and various other interactive biotechnology-based exhibits.
The 30-seater Flight Simulator provides visitors a sense of adventure, through virtual expeditions to unknown places. It is a theatre-style ride simulator, where you can sit in the capsule and watch the computer generated film on the screen. The film appears so real that you begin to feel like being in the other world.
Laser Theatre
In this theatre, there is presentation of laser shows, which demonstrate the use of lasers in the field of scientific entertainment. It is very exciting, owing to the rarity of the actual usage of lasers in the country. These shows can take the visitors to the wonderland, where they will be able to experience the sudden shots of fog, with mind-boggling mix of sound and laser beams.
Dinosaur Park
It has been set up in a land area of 2.63 hectares. This park brings out the evolution of dinosaurs and the probable reasons for their extinction. The park is divided into three periods: Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous. All the varieties of dinosaurs are exhibited here, starting from the smallest known dinosaur” Compsognathus” to the giant dinosaurs like "Seismosaurus”.
Besides the above-mentioned attractions, there is also a kid's park, which contains swings, rides, bouncers etc. There is also an artificial lake that allows the visitors to indulge in boating. With all the above-listed attractions and many more, the Pushpa Gujral Science City is a must visit tourist spot in Jalandhar.