The tribal culture of Orissa has acclimatized itself to many Hindu traditions of India. It has mixed those customs with its traditional practices and has given birth to an entirely new cultural lifestyle amongst the tribes. The main features of their culture are the vibrant songs and dances. Any occasion, be it a birth, death or marriage, has an elaborate song and dance performance. This is what adds happiness and liveliness in their harsh lives.
The tribal people of Orissa are strong, industrious and very hospitable in nature. They usually don't intermingle with outsiders, since they are not too advanced and are quite shy. The men folk are engaged in activities like agriculture, hunting and fishing to earn a living. The tribal people live a life without any luxuries that the urban city provides and yet are content with it. The tribal culture is very simple and portrays a subtle side of Orissa.
The dressing and attire is very simple and sometimes borders around the bare minimum. Men usually wrap a piece of cloth around their waist and women wear long pieces of cloth wrapped around their body. Ornaments are an integral part of their attire and one finds tribal women adorned with armlets, bangles, necklaces, anklets, rings, etc. Both men and women like to tattoo their bodies and children as young as 5 years are found with tattoo marks on their bodies and faces.
The tribal culture of Orissa is also abundant is the celebration of festivals. Being God-fearing people, they worship numerous deities for their well-being. The festivals are celebrated with much excitement and happiness and the traditional rituals are closely followed in order to please the Gods. The most important festivals are Chaita Parab and Push Parab when the men folk go on hunting expeditions. The different customs and lifestyle is what makes the tribal culture truly distinctive and fascinating.