They have made the wooded vicinity and forested hills of the state as their home. Some of these tribal people can also be seen residing along the countryside of Orissa. The more commonly known tribes of the state consist of Saora and Sabar. Most of the tribal people out here follow the customs and traditions of Hindus. This is because of the reason that Hinduism has spread its influence all over the state. The best example of such tribes is that of Bonda Parajas of Koraput district.
Out of all the tribes living in Orissa, the most ethnic ones are those of the Kondhas and the Souras/Lanjia Souras. Kondhas comprise of the primitive tribes of the state and can be found in its, almost, all the districts. However, the places where they have highest concentration are Rayagada, Kashipur, Kalyansinghpur, Bissamcuttack and Muniguda. Souras tribes can be found occupying Gunupur, Padmapur and Gudari. Though some of these tribes have started assimilating with other people, there are some who still retain their tribal customs and traditions.