These include the Silaharas, the Yadavas, the Rashtrakutas as well as the Chalukyas. Today, Kolhapur has come a long way and found its place on the travel and tourism map of India. The credit for the designing as well as foundation of the modern Kolhapur goes to Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaja. He had a major role in leading the city on the path of development and progress. Being abundant in natural resources like water, soil, natural vegetation, animal wealth and minerals, it is today amongst the most advanced cities in Maharashtra.
Kohlapur is famous not only in India, but throughout the world, for its Kolhapuri chappals (slippers). Apart from that, the city is also quite known for its food, headwear, silver jewelry, wrestling, jaggery, etc. As per the legend associated with Kolhapur, the city was named after a demon killed by Goddess Mahalakshmi, to rid the local people for his tyranny. Majority of the people living here are Marathas, with small populations of Gujaratis, Marwadis, Jains, Lingayats and Sindhis making up the minority.