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Ganapatipule Beach is in the Ratnagiri district of Maharashtra. Get to know about the Ganapatipule Beach of India.s

Ganapatipule Beach

Location: Ratnagiri District
Distance: Approximately 150 km from Kolhapur

Ganapatipule BeachGanapatipule Beach is one of the most popular excursions from the Kolhapur city, which lies approximately 150 km away. It is situated around 50 km from the Ratnagiri city and falls under the district of the same name. One of the few beaches in Maharashtra that have still remained untouched by the travails of time, Ganapatipule seems to take away your heart with its tranquility. The beach is situated on the Konkan coast of India.

The clear waters of the beach turn turquoise under the blue clouds and the pristine air relieves you of any physical as well as mental strain. Walk on the golden sands and feel all your tensions ebbing away. The lush green pastures that encircle the Ganapatipule Beach seem to serve as the perfect contrast against the blue waters and golden sands. The term Ganapatipule can be divided into two parts Ganapati and Pule.

Ganapati is another name for Lord Ganesha (the Elephant God), while the term Pule means sand dunes. The reason for the combination of two words being used for the name of the beach is that there is a magnificent temple dedicated to Lord Ganesha situated near the beach, at the foothills of the Konkan Hills. This temple has been built on sand dunes. Thus, combining Ganesha & sand dunes, the beach, and the village located nearby, came to be known as Ganapatipule.

Anyone visiting the Ganapatipule Beach must make sure to visit the Ganapatipule Temple also. Apart from the village and the temple, the other major attractions situated near the beach comprise of Malgund, the birthplace of the famous Marathi Poet Keshavsoot or Pawas, which houses the ashram of Swami Swaroopanand. As far as accommodation is concerned, there are a number of beach resorts and cottages at Ganapatipule, which will meet your needs.

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