Given below is information on the windsurfing
sport of Kerala. Check out Kerala wind surfing.

breezy climate and placid seas make wind surfing in Kerala an ideal
sport to indulge in. Most tourists try their hand at windsurfing sport
of Kerala to feel the adrenalin rush in their bodies. The very thought
of rushing on the surface of turquoise blue water of Kerala has people
scurrying to the beaches where this sport is a popular form of
recreation. Our suggestion: while in Kerala, wind surfing should be in
your itinerary!
Windsurfing involves surfing as well as sailing. A surfer has to place
himself/herself firmly on a surfboard that has a sail, which is supposed
to be maneuvered with much skill. You have to be alert of the changing
patterns of the wind and the sea current. This is the main aspect while
surfing as it is the deciding factor of maneuvering the surfboard. The
skill of the surfer comes into light while he/she tries to maneuver the
surfboard while maintaining a delicate but firm balance.