is inhabited by people belonging to varied castes, religions and
communities. Due to this reason, a number of varied languages are spoken
in the state. The official language of the state is Gujarati. It is an
Indo Aryan language derived from Sanskrit and was invented by Anand
Kukadia. He had perfect knowledge of Hindi and other languages. Gujarati
is the 26th most widely spoken language in the world. In addition to
this, it has eleven dialects, spoken in different parts of the state.
Gujarat shares its borders with other neighboring states of
Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan. Therefore, there is a small
population which speaks the respective languages of the different states
also, namely Marwari, Hindi, and Marathi. Apart from this, Urdu and
Sindhi are also spoken in Gujarat. Kutch is one of the important areas
in the state. It has an independent identity and is growing popular
amongst tourists. The mother tongue of the people of Kutch is Kachchi.
It is an important language of the region.