The construction of peace pagoda stared in the year 1990 was completed in the year 1996. This 125 feet tall stupa is 118 feet wide and its dome has a diameter of 65 feet. This huge stupa is a major tourist attraction at Vaishli. Nakasato, who took the charge of the construction of Vaishali World Peace Pagoda too like his mentor Fuji Guruji is dedicated towards maintaining world peace. Vaishali World peace Pagoda is part of the series of world peace pagodas erected world over by Nipponzan Myohoji sect of Japanese Buddhists.
Vaishali World Peace Pagoda enshrines the holy relics of Lord Buddha on the base and on the top of the construction. The top portion of the stupa houses Lord Buddha’s statues; these statues are made of glass and fiber and have been polished by gold.
Shanti Pagoda at Vaishali is located near the Coronation Park. According to scriptures, Vaishali was a democratic republic and representatives were elected by popular voting. Those who were elected had to come to the pond near the Coronation Park and get anointed with the water. Water of the pond was considered sacred for that purpose and the ritual continued till Vaishali remained a republic. Evidently Vaishali could not keep its republic character for long as it was invaded by neighboring kingdoms later on.
‘Namu Myoho Renge Kyo’ that in English means ‘I devote myself to the Wonderful Law of the Lotus-Flower Sutra’ are the lines inscribed in the stupa. Truly, the World Peace Pagoda at Vaishali stands for world peace. Fujii Guruji’s wish for world peace through Lord Buddha’s messages is enshrined in the stupa, and inspires all the visitors. Nipponzan Myohoji sect of Japan is doing wonderful job by constructing peace pagodas all across the globe for social and religious harmony and peace.