By Road
Vaishali is well connected by road to other important cities of Bihar. Patna, the capital city of Bihar, is 55 kilometers away and there are plenty of buses running from Patna to Vaishali. Being a popular pilgrim destination there are many tourist companies which run taxis and luxury buses.
By Air
Patna, at a distance of 55 kilometers, is the nearest airport from Vaishali. There are regular flights from Patna to other major cities of India like Delhi, Kolkata, Kathmandu, Varanasi and Lucknow. You can hire taxis for further movement or board buses from Patna.
By Rail
Most of the north India is well connected with railway network and Vaishali is no exception. Hajipur is the nearest railhead at the distance of 35 kilometers. Patna the capital of Bihar, is just 55 kilometers away from Vaishali and is well connected with all the metro cities of India and there are regular and direct trains from Patna to the cities of Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, and Kolkata.