Under this section of religions of Tamil Nadu, we
have discussed about the people and religions in Tamilnadu.

history and culture of Tamilnadu goes back to thousands years back. For
centuries, people of various religions have been residing in the state.
The main religions in Tamilnadu are Hinduism, Islam, Christianity and
Jainism. Hinduism, along with its various sects, is the oldest religion
in the state. Hindus are followers of number of sectarian monastic
institutions (called mathas). The most important Math of the state is
the Shankara Math at Kumbakonam. The Hindus number most and are
scattered in almost all parts of the state. In Tamilnadu, there is an
established caste system, which is more pronounced than many other parts
of the country. Like most parts of India, the Brahmin community in
Tamilnadu is very pious. Besides Hinduism, other important religions
that are practiced in the state are Christianity, Islam and Jainism. The
history of Christianity and Islam is also very old in Tamil Nadu. The
largest concentration of Christians is in Tirunelveli and Kanniyakumari
districts of the state. The followers of Jain religion are confined to
North and South Arcot and Chennai city.