Being located in hilly region, the climate of Sikkim is uncertain. Without considering any weather, drizzle comes and makes the climate bitterly cold. So, one should pack enough warm clothes to face the spell of chilly winds. In the region of towns and monasteries, women are advised not to wear short and skimpy clothes. Men should be dressed in full pants and full-sleeved shirts. Throughout the season of autumn and early spring, warm pullovers or jackets are required in mornings and evenings.
In the summers, light cotton clothing will do, but keep a little of warm clothes to meet the uncertain frosty breeze. In hilly areas, when the sun appears, it shines brilliantly. Consequently, try to wear body-covered dresses to avoid tan and skin problems. Also carry sunglasses, sun hat and sunscreen along with you. In the winters, pack heavy woolen pullovers, jackets with warm trousers and shirts. It would be better to add woolen caps in the list.
If you are coming to enjoy trekking in Sikkim, then carry all the required things that you feel necessary. Keep in mind that you are trekking in mountainous area; perhaps you could require certain things. Try to make your bag as light-weight as possible, since you have to load it on your back while trekking. Decent informal clothing is totally acceptable in the state of Sikkim. The Sikkimese people don't prefer wearing body revealing clothes and likewise, the tourists are expected to dress in a decent style.