Information on handling beggars in Rajasthan and
beggar handling tips for Rajasthan, India.

you are traveling anywhere in India, you are bound to come across
beggars. So is the case with Rajasthan also. Handling beggars in
Rajasthan is no big problem if you follow certain advice and
precautions. You will encounter most of the beggars outside the
religious places and at the traffic lights. There are some tips for
handling beggars in Rajasthan that will prove quite helpful to you. Read
on to know some of the Rajasthan beggar handling tips:
- Don't be too polite with the beggars. They may try to take
advantage of your politeness. Be very firm and tell them to leave
you alone.
- Do not give alms to those who come with the photograph of some
gods. They just try to fool you in the name of God.
- Give alms to only the handicapped people or those who are too old
as they are really in a pitiable condition.
- It is advisable not to give any money in alms to small children.
You may give them something in kind like some food.
- If you are in temple, you may give some parshad to the beggars
sitting outside.
- Do not give too much money to a beggar, especially at the traffic
lights or at the temple. Otherwise, the other beggars will keep on
bothering you for a long time.
- Give alms in the range of Rs. 2 to Rs. 10. More alms should be
given only in an exceptional case.