Nashik city is located between 18.33 deg and 20.53
deg North latitude and between 73.16 deg and 75.16 deg East Longitude.
It comes under the district of the same name and lies perched, in the
northwest part of the Maharashtra, at an altitude of 565 meters above
the sea level. Being home to a large number of temples and ghats, the
city is frequented by hoards of devotees every year. Apart from that, it
is also visited by tourists and business travelers.
It is obvious that they would like to get information about the weather
conditions in Nasik. Just like any other city in India, Nashik also
observes a tropical type of climate, which is characterized by dryness
for the majority of the year. The climate of the city can be divided
into three main seasons - summer season, winter season and monsoon
season. The summer season lasts from March till May and can be described
as hot, with extremely dry conditions.
It is only during the south-west monsoon season, stretching from June
to September, that Nashik receives its fair share of humidity. Around
October/November, the city experiences winter season. This season is
again quite dry and pretty cold. The best time to visit Nasik is from
October to March, when the weather conditions are at their very best.
During this time, you can easily roam around the city and explore its
many facets.