Popularly known as the Kolhapuri chappals, these slippers are quite simple in their style and this is one of the main reasons why they are so relaxing for the feet. The quality of leather used in making the sandals is very good. The cost of these sandals and chappals differ according to the quality of leather used and the intricacy of designs. Though the chappals are made through the city of Kolhapur, the best place to buy them is the Bhausinji Road.
This is because here, the variety is almost endless and the prices are quite reasonable. Other places where good Kolhapuri chappals can be found are Mahadwar Road and Shivaji Road. You can also check out the shops situated around the bus station in the Rajarampuri area. If you are looking for the cheapest prices, then Shetkaari Bazaar is just the place for you. So, whenever you manage to visit Maharashtra, make sure to buy a pair of these for yourself.