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In this article, we tell you about the Delhi Tibet House Museum. Read on to know about the Museum of Tibet House, New Delhi.

Tibet House Museum Delhi

Location Institutional Area, Lodhi Road
Attractions Tankhas, Old currency notes, Costumes, Prayer objects, Musical instruments, etc.
Timing 9:30am to 5:30pm (Saturday and Sunday Closed)

Tibet House Museum DelhiTibet House Museum of Delhi, situated in the Institutional Area of Lodhi Road, serves as a resource center on Tibet and its history. The collection of the museum includes those items that Dalai Lama had brought from Tibet, when he escaped from there. One of the major attractions of the museum is a collection of Tankhas i.e., painted scrolls illustrating the life of Buddha, dating back to as early as the 15th Century.

Other items displayed inside the museum consist of an exquisite collection of Buddha figurines, old currency notes, prayer objects, musical instruments, antique jewelry, ritual objects, and so on. Museum of Tibet House, located in New Delhi area, also houses a library that has books on Tibet, its history and cultural heritage. Informative lecture sessions and discussions are also held here on a regular basis.

Then, there is a shop selling Tibetan clothes, jewelry, medicines, incense, curios and a range of handicrafts. Some of the collected objects of the Tibet House Museum have been taken from the monasteries in Tibet. However, a number of others have been produced at the various Tibetan settlements situated throughout the Indian subcontinent. For those interested in knowing more about the past of Tibet, the museum is definitely the place to be.

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