Rajgir the ancient capital of Magadha kings was once the epicenter of religious and political activities. Later on king Ajatshatru chose Pataliputra over Rajgir for Pataliputra was strategically located. Lord Buddha, the founder of Buddhism, spent a significant time here at Rajgir. He stayed and meditated and delivered many sermons to his disciples. Similarly Mahaivr Jain of Jain sect stayed and meditated at Rajgir.
As Rajgir is situated in tropical region the weather condition is typical of any tropical city. Summers are hot and humid. Temperature reaches at 45 degree Celsius. Wile traveling to Rajgir in summer, you must carry light cotton clothes.
Winter is the best season to visit Rajgir. Days are pleasing and nights a bit cold during winter season. You must carry warm woolen clothes while exploring Rajgir in winter.
Rajgir receives a lot of rain during Monsoon months. Rains bring freshness and the small hillocks become more picturesque and attractive during monsoon.