Located some six kilometers south to Patna railway station, Kumhrar can be reached by auto rickshaws which are easily available. Remnants of historical city are spread all over and remind us of great and glorious history of Kumhrar.
Located on the Kankarbagh road, Kumhrar has been excavated many times. After the excavation of the site, relics have been found, which are according to some historians are from 600 BC to 600 AD. The most striking and relevant finding at the spot is the 80-pillared huge hall, which is said to have been the parliament of Chandragupta Maurya. According to archaeologists and historians, it dates back to 300 BC.
The parliament or assembly hall was an excellent specimen of architectural expertise. From ruins one can imagine how wonderful it would have been in its original form! Near the assembly hall is a brick made Buddhist monastery, popularly called Anand Bihar.
During excavation archeologists found the marks of ‘Arogya Vihar’ which was headed by famous physician Dhanvantri. One can visit Kumhrar to experience the glorious history of Pataliputra and the Magadh Empire.