Like most states in India, the voltage output in Bihar is 220-240 volts, alternating at 50 cycles per second. Travelers from overseas must have all the requisite information regarding its electricity conditions. It helps them ascertain, whether or not, the electric appliances that they carry along with them adjusts with the voltage of Bihar. In other words, it also prevents electric mishaps.
In case, you are carrying an electric device that does not accept a voltage of 240 volts, you will require a voltage converter that will adjust the device to the voltage of the state. The voltage converter will help to regulate the electric current of the device and ensure its safety. Generally, there are three types of converters available in the market, namely Resistor-network Converters, Transformers and Combination Converters. Resistor-network converters support 50-1600 watts and are ideal for high-wattage electric appliances. You can use them on devices like hair dryers and electric irons.
Transformers, on the other hand, are suitable for low-wattage appliances and work on 50-100 watts. You can use them on appliances like laptops, handycams, radios, battery chargers and MP3 players. The combination converters are a combination of the resistor network and a transformer. Thus, depending on the requirement, the combination converters facilitate switching between both the modes. Another thing that should be taken into account is the type of plug that can be used in the state. Sockets in the state accept plugs with either two or three (arranged in a triangle) round pins. If your electric appliances have any other type of plug, a plug adapter becomes necessary.