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The tips given in article this will help you to deal with the tourist guides of Assam in a better way.

Tourist Guides in Assam

Tourist Guides in AssamTourist guides, as the very term suggests, are the people who help tourists explore the must-see places of the particular region and are well versed in the art of articulate public speaking. This is very useful, especially if you want to visit a place in and out and save your time as well. Assam tourist guides are very proficient in their work and by doing so they, in fact, increase the tourism appeal of the state. You get the benefit of visiting and knowing the maximum places in Assam, with the help of these guides, in the minimum time. Besides, they charge a very nominal charge that makes them affordable to many. Apart from the local languages, these guides are also fluent in many other languages like English. Some may even surprise you with expressive phrases in French and Russian. Though the guides are handy, there are some tips to be followed to ensure a safe and pleasant journey. Some of them have been listed below.

Tourist Guides in Assam
  • It is always wise to hire tourist guides registered either with the Government or any recognized travel agency. The guide referred by your hotel will also be a good choice.
  • If necessary, pay a portion of the agreed money in advance. But make sure you never pay the whole amount before the end of your trip. This will make the guide deliver the best service, rather than being complacent.
  • As is usual with any other places, you can always bargain for the rates before fixing the guide. Make sure you fix a rate before taking the service or else you will end up paying more.
  • Never discuss money matters in the presence of the guide. Do not disclose about your possessions in front of him. Remember, he is a stranger to you and over trust can be dangerous.
  • Never grow your intimacy with the guide. Deal with him professionally, but giving due respect and being polite.
  • Do not depend entirely on your guide. Venture out with him, with some pre-knowledge about the place. Always trust your intuition and be ready to deal tactfully with any fishy situations.

Request a Quote for Assam Tour

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