Generally, this part of the holy town is known as the Main Bazaar. Though most of the shops here seem to sell pilgrim essentials, this market of Haridwar is pretty well stocked. You can find various retail outlets selling even branded apparels and other products, groceries and so on, besides local handicrafts. A number of eating joints serving good quality vegetarian meals can also be found here.
Most of the lanes and by lanes of this busy market place can be accessed on a cycle rickshaw. However some of the streets are so packed that you can only manage to walk through on your own.
Popular purchases here included artificial Jewellery for idols, brass and copper puja utensils, glass bangles, wooded walking sticks and a host of stoneware. Pilgrims are generally seen also buying containers for carrying Ganga Jal, considered very holy, back home.
Here, you will also find a number of mithai shops (shops selling sweets), from where pedas (milk sweets) are good takeaways. Even bottles of churan (digestives) and aam papad (sweetened dry mango preserve) can be bought here.