Dakpathar is situated on Dehradun-Chakrata road, 45 kms from the main city, well connected by regular bus service.
There are many attractions near Dakpathar, the first being the Hydel Power Station near River Yamuna. Its sheer size and dimension would awestruck from every angle you see it. The second should be the extremely ancient Rock Edict of legendary King Asoka at Kalsi, about six kms from Dakpathar. Next one can go to the Asan Barrage Water Sports Resort Complex which is about 11 kilometers from Dakpathar and has exciting water sport facilities. Subsequently you can visit Lakha Mandal, 80 kilometers from Dakpathar where one will discover abundant statues of archaeological significance. The Paonta Sahib Gurudwara needs no introduction and is a mere 16 kms from Dakpathar.