Buddhism is the main religion in Sikkim. In its early years, migrants from Tibet brought this religion to Sikkim and dominated a major part of the state. Sikkim boasts of innumerable monasteries that are assigned to the practice and preaching of Buddhism. It is also said that Guru Rinpoche established Buddhism in the state. Whosoever be the originator, Buddhism is widespread in Sikkim and followed mainly by the Tibetans and the Bhutias.
Hinduism is the leading religion of Sikkim. With the majority of Nepalis, Hinduism is practiced by maximum number of people in Sikkim. The followers of Hinduism celebrate each festival with all gusto and fervor. The doctrine of Hinduism is strictly followed by the Nepalis. Whether it is an event of birth, death or marriage, Nepalis celebrate each and every occasion. In the Nepali society, Brahmins form a special part and these people are liable for performing holy rituals and rites.