During monsoons, Vanasthali National Park appears mesmerizing with different colorful flowers blooming all around. The endangered Black Buck deer is found here in plenty. In fact, the park has estimated 400 deer in its expanse. Apart from the Black Bucks, there are many other species of animals here, including Cheetahs, Wild Boar, Monitor Lizards, Mongooses and Porcupines. Regarding avifauna, there are different varieties of Partridges, Quails, Peacocks, Doves, Pond Herons, Egrets, Kites, Vultures, Eagle, Kingfishers and Cormorants.
More than 80 species of migratory birds can be seen here. Another rare variety amongst birds is the Short-toed Eagle. If you are really interested in seeing the fauna from near, you can tour the park in the vans provided by the authorities. The vegetation of the park is rich with flora like Neem, Butea, Bauhinias Accacias and many thorny shrubs. Mahavir Harina Vanasthali National Park also houses an exhibition hall, where different items of the wild life conversation are displayed.